Mass Times
St. Rita Catholic Church
1733 Dr. Andrew J. Brown Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Learn About our Capital Campaign
St. Rita's Mission Statement
We the parish of St. Rita, a Catholic Community of Faith are called by the risen Lord to love God the Father.
We believe that Ministry is the power of the Holy Spirit, therefore, we encourage, support, and provide opportunities, so that everyone may participate in and be recipients of the Church’s Mission Ministry.
We aspire to deepen our understanding of Christ’s Good News and to Serve our neighbor of the Gospel.
We realize the necessity and accept the responsibility of supporting ourselves as a parish.
We invite everyone to join in celebrating and witnessing the presence of the risen Lord among us.
St. Rita Staff
Parish Administrator | Fr. Joseph Newton |
Pastoral Associate | to be announced |
Deaconate | Deacon Oliver Jackson |
Parish Council Chair | Greg Smith |
Finance Council Chair | Sharon Edwards |
DRE/Youth Ministry Director | Anita Bardo |
Management & Operations | Marty Ray |
Administrative Assistant | Denise Gavia-Currin |
Bookkeeper | Angela Guynn |
Music Director | Gayle Jones |
Activity Coordinator | Vivian Hill |
Website/Social Media | Susan Hines |
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Telephone: 317-632-9349
Email Address:
Fr Joe is available by appointment on Thursdays
Telephone: 317-632-9349
Email Address:
Fr Joe is available by appointment on Thursdays